My autoresponder was migrated to a different server during sending, and the link to the database broke. When I fixed that, the autoresponder repeated sending the last email. I trust that didn’t bother you too much, but it was totally out of my control, and I had no idea that it would respond that way. As I have said before, and will probably say again, when your business relies on someone else’s platform there is always the possibility of disruption or total loss. It should be part of your weekly maintenance routine to back up your email lists. It should also be part of your daily routine to do something to add to your email list. Also, backup all your websites at least monthly, but weekly is better, or daily if your sites have a lot of activity. Even if nothing is happening, you still must make backups. I lost months of work on three sites because I was stupid and didn’t back them up as I went. I now use this free tool, , to keep my WordPress sites current and backed up. Don’t worry about the paid options, I’m managing over 30 sites on the free version. I check it daily for updates. I do backups weekly on all the sites, that’s a Saturday morning activity. But that doesn’t fix my email lists. They have to be manually backed up from each autoresponder, but it doesn’t take long. It’s just another micro habit that I’ve developed. I get very uncomfortable if I haven’t been able to do the backups and updates. That’s when you know the habit has taken. You build the habits here: Regards, |