The military says that no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Then, some things go right, some go wrong, and the overall plan is to adapt and survive. But, starting with a plan and an end goal is essential for the military and business. Your life, not so much. Anyone can muddle through life by avoiding disasters or continuing through them. Anything that doesn’t kill you is survivable, obviously. I always figured that the worst thing that could happen to me was to end up living on a pension in subsidised housing. As it turned out, I’m a long way from that. Yes, there have been disasters along the way. The worst was a business deal that went wrong, and I was robbed of over $5 million. That hurt and caused me to be depressed for a while, but it wasn’t the end of me. That plan didn’t work. What it did do for me, though, was wake me up to the power of the Internet and doing business online. During the good and bad days, I discovered that a plan is essential , but only as a guide, not a fixed path. I read somewhere that you set your goals in stone and your plans in sand. That makes total sense to me now. Regards, P.S. The Internet is one of the most dynamic business environments there is, and has been changing faster every day. Google is shutting down Google Business Sites, that’s 21.7 million sites. There’s an opportunity to help them migrate to another site. I’d be inclined to move them off the Google platform because then you could have recurring income, plus they’ll have better control over their site. But what about just selling them a cheat sheet on how to migrate as a first step? $7 in your pocket, a subscriber you can sell a DIY solution to and outsource that via Fiverr. Start here: |