According to the latest surveys people in general have very little trust in authority. I suspect that is because those in authority have abused our trust repeatedly over the last 10 – 20 years at least. It’s distinctly possible that we didn’t get enough accurate information before then to realise that the abuse has been going on for much longer. In the movie, A Few Good Men, one of the most quoted lines is, “You can’t handle the truth.” The reality is that we can handle the truth, but we are rarely given the chance. Another reality is that when we are exposed to the truth those who don’t like it are quick to stomp on it with lies and misinformation. Often a truth-teller will suffer personal attacks because that’s the preferred method of hiding the truth from you. Remember this though, when the argument is strong on personal attack or emotions you are being misled 99.9% of the time. Lies are defeated by facts, not emotions. Emotions are used to sell you something. As an example, the argument against nuclear energy is how long the waste is radioactive for. The usual statement is 10,000 years or so. While that is true it’s also misleading. Nuclear waste is only dangerously radioactive for about 1,000 years after which it’s about as dangerously radioactive as your granite kitchen bench top. Is it possible to safely store nuclear waste for as long as required? Yes, it’s surprisingly easy to do so. So, can you trust my statements above? I say yes, but you should do as Kissinger once said, “Trust, but verify.” A quick YT search will give you more than enough proof. Regards, P.S. While on the subject of trust, it always pays to click any link I give you to verify what I tell you about the product at the end of it. In this case what you’ll get is a simple way, using AI, to create simple niche landing pages, a simple email sequence and a way to get traffic to those landing pages for free. Click here: |