I’m not talking about the fraudulent diversity of the alphabet people. This time, I’m talking about the diversity of income streams you’ll need to be financially secure. When you rely on a single source for your traffic, you’re at great risk. When you rely on a single platform for your income, you’re at great risk. When you have multiple streams of income across multiple platforms, you reduce the risk of losing it all. Back when people joked about being in the “Brinks Club’ everything seemed rosy, but Google shut them down and stopped their income overnight. Some YouTube Influencers have had their lucrative channels shut down overnight. Amazon has shut down people’s accounts overnight. Influencers on other platforms have had their accounts shut down with no warning. Even PayPal has blocked access to people’s accounts if they suspect they are breaching the rules. In every case that I know about, almost no one has been able to unblock their accounts or even get the money that’s been locked away. In every case, there has been a breach or apparent breach of the rules. It’s also true that all of the content that was on those platforms was also lost. Unless the person involved had their own backups. Every closure has been devastating for the recipients, and most of them had no other source of income. Some could recover by either opening a new account on the same or another platform. All of those who were able to recover their audience and restart their income had an email list they could notify of the issue, and their new account. Without that, they are stuffed. No matter where you’re building your audience you must also be building an email list and backing up your content. It also pays to have multiple places you get your audience from. Grow your email list with the help of one of the masters. https://go.wm-tips.com/sr-list. Regards, |