Well, that was awkward. I know you’re supposed to bend your knees when you pick up or put down anything heavy, but sometimes it’s impossible. Yesterday I pulled the refrigerator out of our caravan. It only weighs 30kg (66 lbs), but there are no hand-holds, so lifting or carrying is awkward. I didn’t find the lift or carry hard. Putting it down on the ground without dropping, though, was hard. You can’t bend your knees very well when your legs are part of the support. Today I put the new fridge in place. It was easier because I used the sack truck to move it. Tonight my back is telling me a trip to the Chiropractor is in order, and I won’t be riding the bike tomorrow either. Of course, that will give me more time to hook it all up and test it. A hot tip for you, get another person to help when moving heavy things. Regards, P.S. That’s a lesson we can all take heed of though. None of us can do everything on our own. We all need help from time to time, and I’m no exception, even if I don’t always pay attention to myself. Unfortunately, not everyone who says they want to help is capable of helping. Not everyone who offers to help has any motive other than getting your money. Fortunately, some people are capable of helping and are motivated more by helping than by being paid. One such person is Britt. Her review training comes from a wealth of experience and is priced way too low. All your writing will benefit from this training as it will sharpen your instincts on how best to present your thoughts. Everything you write has the aim of a conversion. That conversion may be a sale, to click a link, to become a subscriber, or to get a comment. Not all conversions have an immediate monetary goal, but all your writing should have a purpose. Find out how best to write to get a conversion here. |