Look around you. You’ll see children with their parents. You’ll see older children breaking out on their own. You’ll see older people being cared for by their children. Each stage is a change in role. From parents caring for you, caring for yourself, caring for your parents. Today I visited my 93-year-old mother in the memory unit of the nursing home. That’s always tough because she is beginning to lose the memory of her children. She no longer remembers her grandchildren. She struggles to remember her husband, who passed away 12 years ago. Her world is shrinking to what happened 1 minute ago with little else other than confusion. I visit twice a week, and it gets harder and harder each time. Tonight our youngest daughter helped me with a Javascript problem that I’ve been wrestling with for days. When she was going through University, I would often help her with her coding issues. Now the role has reversed. I don’t have a problem with that, as she codes every day, and I don’t. She still comes to me for advice and to talk through issues which is great, but at some point, she’ll come to talk through issues with me that are my issues, not hers. This is the natural course of the evolving lives we lead. Regards, P.S. Yes, you are right. I did send out yesterday’s email late. All my fault. I had it written except for the P.S. when I got called away and didn’t get back to it until morning. Because of that, there was a significant drop off of opens which means that many of you lovely people didn’t get to see the excellent offer. You’re getting some excellent training on how to leverage Google’s ravenous hunger for short videos. Google wants to dominate TikTok, and they see that short videos are the way to go. This tool and training allow you to create short videos at scale, which Google will promote on your behalf. Get it here https://go.wm-tips.com/trafficplan. |