In 1989 David Bendah was interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine. The article’s title was David Bendah, The Prince of Get Rich Quick. I’ll give you a link to the article in a bit, but first, let’s dig out some gold that’s still relevant in 2022 for Internet Marketers. David Bendah sold ‘Get Rich Quick’ books by mail order from his company Lion Publishing. He had over 80 titles and spent a million a year on ads, profitably.
OK, that’s enough. You’ll have to read the article to find the rest, but the whole piece is fascinating. The moron market? You’ll find the answer to that in the article. Regards, P.S. The gurus selling magic buttons on Warriorplus and JVZoo are doing the same thing David Bendah was doing back in 1989 with one difference. Mostly their stuff doesn’t work. They rely on people not trying the methods out and not refunding, and they are right. I’m convinced you could sell any software you knew didn’t work and would make money. Refund those who complain, probably less than 10%. This is entirely unethical, probably fraudulent, and I wouldn’t do it, but I know it would sell and be profitable. Don’t do that, OK? Instead, create a product that does solve a problem people have. Sell it hard using the same methods of the gurus because they work. Alternatively, if you don’t think you have the skill to create a product like that, you could make an excellent income by outing the crap from the gurus. This is how. |