Many ideas and methods get promoted as the best way to make money online. The people promoting these are making a killing with your hopes and dreams while killing your hopes and dreams. You feel like you’re a failure. You don’t want to tell your significant other about the latest “guaranteed way to make 6 figures” that hasn’t made the cost of the training. You feel sick every time you think about how much you’ve spent on this junk, but you keep grabbing at the next one because the sales page has convinced you that this is the one. I know how you feel because I felt the same way for way too many years and way too much money. But I finally found some excellent mentors and discovered the secret that those dung peddling scum wouldn’t ever tell you. They don’t make their money with those junk programs. They know they don’t work, but they know that suckers like me will keep buying them as long as the hope remains alive. The way they make their money is by promoting that crap by email. Yep, they have massive email lists, and they sell everything with email marketing. They’ll even tell you that email is dead and you should be doing Facebook ads instead without telling you that Facebook uses email to retain the engagement of their members. Social media companies, top marketers, and savvy affiliate marketers do their marketing via email. Doesn’t that mean that email is not dead but very much alive and kicking? Regards, P.S. Some people have email lists that don’t result in sales. Their subscribers are not engaged with the messages, don’t open them or click on the links. An email list like this can be frustrating. What you want to build is a super-responsive list. One that’ll give you 50% opens or better along with sufficient clicks and sales to make it worth your while. Fortunately, there is some excellent training on exactly how to do this. Ignore this if you already have a responsive email list. |