I have never liked Java as a language. I have found it to cumbersome and it always seemed like double handling to me. I struggled with the whole class thing, but the advantage of Java is that it is truely a write once deploy anywhere language. My aim has always been to be able to write the program on one computer and then allow people with different OSs to be able to use it. Java is the only one that you can do that with for free relatively easily. Yes, I do know of others but their code is even more cumbersome. However, today in desperation I asked an AI tool the help me write a Java program. It took a few hours but it works and is out for Beta testing right now. I may get to like Java after all. But here’s the thing. This was using AI to code up something in a language that I didn’t understand. It corrected errors and added functionality when asked. I plan to use this as a lead magnet. It fits the main criteria for an excellent lead magnet. It’s unique and useful to the right people. It’s something that those who would find it useful would happily pay for because it will do something for them almost instantly that would take hours manually. Could you create a program like this? Of course you could. Reply to this email if you would like a step-by-step guide to creating unique lead magnets or saleable products easily. Regards, You’re making things too complex.