Things didn’t always work out, but taking action meant that we found out what didn’t work faster than trying to think of all the ways it wouldn’t work.
Action also kills fear of failure.
Once you’ve had a few things bomb you’ll quickly discover that you’re the only one who cares.
If you don’t tell anyone then no-one else will know.
So, don’t tell them, and just put your head down.
Work out why things didn’t work and try a different tack.
The answers are always, wrong offer to the wrong people.
It’s never the price or the product.
Reframe the offer, find a different group of people.
We got it working brilliantly, but when I was thinking about other people using it I realised that not everybody could get this loaded on their web server and get it to work.
So, Qwen and I have been working on a desktop tool to do the same thing.
That’s proved to be a lot more difficult, but we’re getting close.
The beauty of using an AI tool for this is that if I run into an issue with setting things up Qwen has read the manual and knows what needs to be done.
Lucky, because I don’t have any ability to write Java code.
So this is weeks or months of work for me cut down to 1-2 days as an assistant to an AI.
Yes, as a marketer, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is mind control of your reader.
The reality is that we use these methods often through our daily life.
Sometimes it’s as easy a silk, sometimes it’s like pushing butter uphill with a hot knife.
But all persuasion uses mind control, we just don’t always call it that.
And most of us do it so politely that it causes no ripples of pushback.
Unless you’re dealing with a toddler, in which case they haven’t yet succumbed to your persuasive skills, but they’ll learn to comply…
…until they’re 13.
Some marketers get antsy when people buy their stuff and never use it, but for some (most?) the act of buying is what satisfies the itch the product scratches.
But that’s not the marketers problem, they have satisfied that itch.
The people who publish skateboarding magazines don’t get mad if the person who buys a copy can’t Ollie and doesn’t even own a board.
The people who sell hammers don’t care if you hang it on the shed wall to never so much as kiss a nail with it.
The horse will drink of it wants to.
Your job is just to point to water and collect your fee.
If the horse drinks?
High fives all around!
If it doesn’t, shrug it off and find more horses that claim to be thirsty, and escalate the horses who drink to the top secret special fountain (for a higher price, of course).
All mind control starts with emotion, any emotion will do.
We all need to use more emotion in all our marketing content because that’s what causes people to take action.
No emotion and the answer is Meh!.
But when you know what questions people are asking it’s so much easier to hit them in their emotions.
All you have to do is ask yourself which emotion triggered the question, then answer the emotion first.
And this tool, Insight Analyser will give you all the questions plus tell you how many people ask that question and how many others are answering it, usually not many.
When you understand the power this tool gives you, you’ll realise that you’ve bought a goose that lays golden eggs in exchange for peanuts.
I knew I should have been buying all those books through my account.
That might have kept it open.
Clickbank closed my account.
Google have closed my adsense account.
All through lack of activity.
Yes, I have been lax and not promoted products on those platforms much, so I’m stuck with W+ (shudder), JXZoo, e-Junkie (what?), Digistore24, nad a few others.
Still, there are at least another 50 places I can set up an account and market their products.
I guess I’ll have to set up a few small sites and traffic sources for them to keep visitors and buyers flowing into the new ones.
The laxness (is that a word?) on my part has come about because of my feelings of being secure in my personal life.
But Dan Kennedy says that the “myth of security.” is a handicap.
Because, says Dan, there is no such thing as security.
Not really, not if you look close.
There’s no security in the money or investments you already have in the bank… in the job that you have now… in the business that you might own… in the current method you have of getting customers or clients… even in your personal relationships, your community, or even your nation (or your nation’s army).
All of that can disappear, from today to tomorrow, or from this year to next year.
It’s happened before, and it can happen again.
The only security you have?
According to Dan, it’s only in your ‘ability to produce.’
In a few more of Dan’s words:
“… you had better sustain a very, very serious commitment to maintaining, improving, enhancing and strengthening your own ‘ability to produce’, because, in truth, it is all you’ve got and all you will ever have. Anything and everything else you see around you, you acquire and accumulate, you invest in, you trust in, can disappear in the blink of an eye.”
Another valuable idea I’ve learned, this from “Sovereign Man” Simon Black, is that of a Plan B.
A Plan B is a plan that works in case things go bad… and that also works and brings in value even if things stay as they are.
Dan Kennedy’s idea of a very serious commitment to your “ability to produce” falls into this Plan B category.
I don’t know what you can produce.
And you may not yet either, but I know that I need to bump up my ideas.
You might have to as well.
A Plan B is, at the very least, a profitable side hustle.
Something that you can do a little work on over your morning coffee or your evening one.
Something that takes you an hour or less.
Like making 3 – 5 videos to generate traffic from TikTok or YouTube shorts using this because it’s easy and the videos are pretty good.
All you need are the keywords that will attract clicks.
My blog posts get in front of a lot more people because there are quite a few scattered across the Internet.
I don’t know for sure because I haven’t tallied them up lately, but I suspect that there would be perhaps another 5,000 – 10,000 people every day reading something of mine.
Again, I’ve been lazy.
There should be a lot more content online, and probably better focused.
The point though, is that even when I haven’t done much, there is still traffic, subscribers, and sales.
This is a case of GOYA and do more before the Internet is so swamped with crappy AI that no one can find anything useful.
You will get traction and ranking when you structure your content better.
You will get traffic when you target places with traffic.
There is no need to wait for Google to deign to put your content on page 1 because you could be coining it in weeks rather than 6 months to a year.
You can do this for free, but it’s useful to have a couple of tools to help speed things up.
I keep mentioning Insight Analyser because it doesn’t just find the low-competition keywords with searches, but it organises the layout you’ll need your blog to emulate for maximum effect.
It also can write the blog posts you’ll need for each layer.
Even if you only have adsense ads on your posts you’ll still make money because all that takes is human traffic.
The keywords that triggered the prompt for this was “Profitable blogging in 2025”.
It’s not the best written blog post, but you could post one of those every hour if you chose.
You shouldn’t because that would detract from what you’re trying to do, but with the help of AI and Insight Analyser you can find profitable high-traffic low-competition keywords for blog posts.
The beauty of using Insight Analyser is that it will show you how the keyword pages should be linked on your site for maximum effect as shown by Google.
There is no need to overthink this, it’s about as simple as you can get.
You could do this with a series of Blogger blogs that link to each other if you wanted to do this for free or you could do the same on the Google sites platform.
Can you guess the hard part of doing this?
It’s doing it until you get traffic.
How fast could you get traffic to these pages?
Well, if you paid attention to my last two emails you could be getting traffic to your pages inside a week.
will give you a transcript, for free, from a YT link.
You know that Google likes these sites so you can ask NotebookLM to write a blog post for you based on the information provided and what they’re missing.
You can also make a podcast from the content and post that somewhere for more traffic.
None of these things are hard to do and will create reasonable quality content quickly for you.
AI is currently creating content at least as good as the rest of the Internet community, and better than most.
Yes, you can make it better and I would suggest you do exactly that because you’ll get more traffic and more conversions.
But you do have to do something to make it happen.
There are some interesting products that have come onto the market in the last few days that claim to get vast quantities of traffic to your link using AI.
There are some interesting products that have come onto the market in the last few days that claim to get vast quantities of traffic to your link using AI.
I wouldn’t touch any of them with a digital 20 foot pole.
My reasons for that is that if they really have found a way to hack Google’s ranking system it will be shut down in weeks if not days.
And all the links or sites that have been using the hack will be de-indexed.
Google may even track down the other sites that belong to the perpetrators and shut them down as well.
Google is a vindictive beast, and they have done this before.
The other reason is that at least one of these products is affiliated with a known W+ bandit, and that’s enough for me to distrust anything on their sales page.
That’s with getting approval for affiliate programs.
One of those companies in the dashboard website you saw yesterday is US based and only accept US based affiliates despite having an Australian presence.
Most of the others use the same platform to manage their affiliate programs, a bit like a CPA network, except these people want your site to have thousands of visitors a day before they’ll accept you.
Anyway, that means that there is only one of those companies that I managed to get an affiliate link for, so the others will get removed and I’ll try a different tack with content etc.
Setbacks like this don’t stop you, they cause the path to the goal to change.
Set your goals in concrete and your plans in sand.
The keywords will change and the pins will change, but Insight Analyser will still be the tool of choice to develop things.
Watching a video interview today with an AI guru where he said that Claude Sonnet writes better content than ChatGPT or any of the others.
Since that is one of the platforms available within Insight Analyser it will be the one to utilise.